The Top 8 Insurance Implications of Legal Cannabis
November 24, 2018Now that cannabis is legal for recreational use in Canada, that has completely changed the insurance landscape around…
5 Mistakes New Truck Drivers Make in Winter, and How to Avoid Them
November 4, 2018Avoiding trucking accidents in the winter is a top priority for all truckers, their employers, and the public. While it…
The merits of minding your home business
October 30, 2018Have you ever wondered, “how can I start a business from home?” Is it profitable? Is it long-term sustainable? There’s…
Taking the bite out of winter property damage
October 27, 2018The Ho! Ho! Ho! spirit associated with the start of winter can easily turn into woes as extreme weather conditions result…
Keeping a step ahead of “slip and fall” liability exposures
October 22, 2018Avoid the insurance, legal, and municipal financial pitfalls associated with slip and fall risk exposure.…
Co-insurance and other traps to avoid for commercial landlords
September 11, 2018Based on claims case experience, the vast majority of commercial landlords do not have adequate property insurance coverage,…
10 Tips to Increase Your Cybersecurity Without Spending a Ton
June 22, 2018Hackers seeking to steal data and money historically have targeted large multinationals and government bodies. In recent…
Europe’s GDPR makes cyber insurance more relevant than ever for Canadian companies
May 28, 2018GDPR is here and it has every big company shaking in its boots. Why? GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation,…
5 ways to protect your business against cybercrime
August 16, 2016You might think cybercrime is something that larger businesses have to be concerned about but it is often easier to hack…
5 ways to protect your business from liquor liability
July 25, 2016If you own or operate any type of business where liquor is served or sold, then you could be held responsible for any injuries…