Coverage for freelance teachers and tutors that makes the grade
No matter if you provide instruction online or in person, we have very affordable coverage options in Ontarioe for:
- Private tutors
- Tutoring services
- Exam prep instructors
- Freelance ESL teachers
- Music instructors
- Teaching pods in Ontario
Call us, we’ll make getting insurance easy so you can focus on what you do best.

Get a quote for private tutors insurance and save
While you’re preparing lesson plans and helping your students learn, one of our commercial brokers will do all the legwork as your personal insurance shopper. As a brokerage for over 70 of Canada’s top insurers, we have access to some of the best private tutor coverages and rates in Ontario. We’ll find the right insurance package for your unique needs.
What insurance do i need to be a private tutor?
We can help with the details, but private tutor insurance generally starts with the following coverages:
Commercial general liability
Coverage in case your students or clients are accidentally hurt during a session or if their property is damaged, whether in your client’s home, a private classroom or your home.
More about CGL
Professional liability
Sometimes called errors and omissions, it can cover mistakes or oversights that lead to poor performance by your student. It can also include legal fees and court-awarded damages.
More about professional liability insurance
Cyber insurance
Includes coverage for lost revenues after a cyberattack or data breach and comes with technical recovery support, legal and PR help if sensitive student information is leaked publicly.
More about cyber insurance
Commercial property
Coverage for theft, fire and water damage to your office and business assets like computers, electronic whiteboards, documents and more. Coverage is also available if you run your business from home.
More about commercial property insurance
Frequently asked questions about private tutor insurance:
How much is insurance for private tutors in Ontario?
Tutor insurance policies start from around $50 a month. The actual cost of your coverage will depend on the unique requirements of your business. Some of the factors that will determine the price include:
- The size of your tutoring business and where it’s located
- Whether you have employees or not
- How many years of experience you and your employees have
- Any past insurance claims you may have had
Doesn’t my home insurance cover my home-based tutoring business?
Your home insurance policy includes personal liability coverage, but that wouldn’t protect you if a student or parent decided to take you to court because of something related to your tutoring, or even if a student had a fall at your house while there for a tutoring session. Home insurance may protect some of your business contents (things like laptops and desks) but only up to a limit, which is usually around $2,500. We’ll help you protect yourself and your business with affordable insurance solutions for your tutoring business.
Do I need commercial auto insurance?
Private tutors and music instructors traveling to students’ homes usually use their own private vehicles, which is perfectly fine. Just check with your auto insurance provider to make sure that your personal auto policy covers business use of the vehicle. If not, we’d be happy to give you a quote for commercial auto insurance. It provides coverage whether you use your car for business or pleasure, and costs about the same as personal auto insurance.