Good to know: Requested policy changes aren’t in effect until they’ve been confirmed by one of our licenced experts. If you have any questions or need help right away, give us a call at 1-800-731-2228.
Need to make more changes?
Head back to the Self-serve centre to start another change request.
March is Fraud Prevention Month, an annual campaign that aims to identify, prevent, and report fraud. Insurance…
Canada has its way of surprising us with the weather. At the beginning of winter, it’s always a good idea to do a thorough property…
Approximately one third of Canadians live in rented accommodation, so it may not come as a surprise to know that the number…
In today’s cost of living crisis, saving money where possible is essential. Insurance is a mandatory purchase, but it doesn’t…
A common question when it comes to landlord insurance is, “Does landlord insurance cover tenant damage?” The simple answer…
On January 1, 2024, Ontario changed direct compensation-property damage (DC-PD) to optional coverage, allowing drivers…
Being a landlord isn’t easy. It involves a lot of work and there’s no shortage of expenses. Insurance is one…
Fair rental value, which is more commonly known as rental income, is perhaps one of the biggest reasons why, as a landlord,…
Getting into an accident is no fun, but it can be especially confusing on how to proceed with a claim if the other driver has…
If you’re one of over 760,000 Canadians who still heats their home with a wood burning or pellet stove, you should know that…