Preventing & dealing with winter property insurance claims
December 4, 2018Preparing for the cold In Ontario, winter weather can fluctuate greatly from one day to the next. In southern Ontario, and…
How to Avoid Frozen Pipes in Winter
November 27, 2018While You Were Gone – Avoid Costly Surprises When on Vacation As Canadians, we like to escape winter if we can—maybe…
5 Mistakes New Truck Drivers Make in Winter, and How to Avoid Them
November 4, 2018Avoiding trucking accidents in the winter is a top priority for all truckers, their employers, and the public. While it…
Taking the bite out of winter property damage
October 27, 2018The Ho! Ho! Ho! spirit associated with the start of winter can easily turn into woes as extreme weather conditions result…
Ice Dams 101
April 16, 2018An ice dam is a build-up of ice or snow along the edge of a roof or eaves. Water from rain or melting snow then pools behind this…
The 6 best tips for winterizing your cottage
October 16, 2017Most people have their cottages open and available for three out of four seasons, and closed during the winter. The process…
Can I cancel my motorcycle insurance in the winter?
September 20, 2017When it comes to motorcycle insurance, many motorcycle owners have questions about how their policy premium is calculated…
6 steps to winter home safety
December 17, 2016Here comes winter and that means snow and ice, cold days and even colder nights. Making a few preparations now will help you…
4 safety tips for winter driving in Ontario
October 26, 2016Snow is great for skiing, tobogganing and making snowmen with the kids but not much fun when it comes to driving in it. Now…
Get ready for winter driving (and save on car insurance too)
October 15, 2015As summer gives way to fall and the air grows colder, all Canadians know that winter is right around the corner. Despite its…