Man driving in a car.

April 23, 2024

The best insurance companies of 2024 for male drivers in Ontario

2 min read


Shopping for car insurance as a male driver living in Ontario? Your search ends here. You might have wondered who the best insurance company is for male drivers, and we’re here to tell you that the answer really depends!

Mitch crafts a list of the best insurance companies for specific demographics each year to help give our customers an idea of how the different companies we partner with “square up.” Although we only looked at cost comparisons in our list, note that there’s much more that goes into an insurance company besides its price. Check out our post on the 2024 best auto insurance companies in Ontario for additional information.

Our key findings

  • SGI had the best insurance rates for male drivers, but CAA was a close contender. SGI’s average rate for our male drivers was around 1.5% lower than CAA’s. 
  • Although SGI had the best average rate for our male drivers, Zenith, CAA, and Commonwell each had the best rates for one of our driver profiles.  
  • The best high-risk market insurer for our male drivers was Coachman, with Pafco coming in at a close second.  


Auto insurance is divided into two different markets: standard and high-risk. Standard is pretty much anyone with a decent/semi-clean insurance record, and high-risk is for those who have spotty driving records or have a history of cancellation due to non-payment. The latter often sells their plans for higher premiums, so we’ve divided our comparisons into regular and high-risk to make things fairer.  

Table 1. Best regular market insurers for male drivers in 2024 

  1. SGI 
  1. CAA 
  1. Zenith 
  1. Commonwell 
  1. Intact 
  1. Wawanesa 
  1. Aviva 
  1. Economical 
  1. Pembridge 
  1. Travelers 

Table 2. Best high-risk market insurers for male drivers in 2024 

  1. Coachman 
  1. Pafco 
  1. JEVCO 
  1. Echelon 

Meet our drivers

To give you an idea of the kind of rates that men in the province might expect from the various insurance companies that exist, we’ve created our own list of eight fictional male driver profiles. Each driver varies by their driving record, age, location, vehicle, etc., with the only constant being that they’re all male. We also kept coverage, policy limits, discounts, and deductibles the same to ensure that our final prices wouldn’t be influenced by these.  

Here are our drivers: 

  • Don, 21, single, Caledon (L7C), clean record
    • Drives a 2013 ACURA TL SH-AWD
  • Asher, 39, married, Mississauga (L5B), following too close in 2021
    • Drives a 2019 FORD RANGER XL
  • Raphael, 51, single, Guelph (N1H), clean record
    • Drives a 2016 HONDA ACCORD SPORT
  • Westley, 40, married, Waterloo (N2J), speeding tickets in 2021 and 2022
  • Beau, 32, married, Woodstock (N4S), speeding ticket in 2023
    • Drives a 2022 NISSAN PATHFINDER SL 4WD
  • Arnaud, 25, single, Orangeville (L9W), clean record
    • Drives a 2020 BMW 2 SRIES 230i xDRIVE COUPE AWD
  • Edouard, 42, married, Hamilton (L8E), careless driving in 2022, at-fault claim in 2023 
  • Noah, 28, single, Kitchener (N2A), two speeding tickets in 2021, at-fault claim in 2024 
    • Drives a 2019 AUDI A3 2.0T QUATTRO 

Quote comparisons

Table 1. Insurance rates compared for males in Ontario1
Company Don Asher Raphael Westley Beau Arnaud Reg Avg. Edouard Noah High Risk Avg.
Aviva $8,394 $2,393 $1,712 $2,243 $3,490 $5,673 $3,984
CAA $6,965 $2,087 $1,563 $1,750 $2,585 $4,167 $3,186
Commonwell $7,575 $2,569 $1,761 $1,991 $2,163 $3,595 $4,107
Economical $10,029 $3,165 $1,986 $2,113 $3,377 $3,974 $3,301
Intact $5,373 $2,555 $2,281 $2,287 $2,811 $4,504 $3,267
Pembridge $6,150 $2,884 $2,601 $3,084 $4,895 $6,142 $4,292
SGI $5,071 $2,898 $2,081 $2,066 $2,810 $3,991 $3,152
Travelers $8,040 $6,156 $3,708 $3,900 $4,716 $4,176 $3,275
Wawanesa $7,385 $2,252 $1,912 $2,935 $4,304 $3,818 $5,116
Zenith $5,003 $2,839 $1,907 $2,016 $3,729 $4,110 $3,767
Coachman $8,230 $8,650 $8,440
Echelon $10,791 $9,673 $10,232
JEVCO $8,394 $10,023 $9,208
Pafco $10,853 $7,218 $9,035
1Data source: Mitch auto insurance quoter

These rates may be different every year

If you’ve checked out our list of last year’s best insurance companies for male drivers, you might have noticed our rankings are somewhat different. This is partly because we’ve used different driver profiles than previously (and therefore produced different results), but it’s also because rates change over time. No one insurance company will remain the best option for any one demographic permanently. As time goes on, claim costs will fluctuate and insurers will have to either lower or heighten their premiums to keep their pool of payout money adequate.

If one insurer is “top dog” for a specific demographic and winning a lot of new customers, chances are another company will follow suit to attract more business. This can also result in insurance companies having a different place on the ranking year-over-year.  

Get the best insurance rates with Mitch

While we can’t tell you who exactly is the best insurance company for male drivers, we can work with you personally to understand your needs and the kind of coverage you need. Plus, with our access, we’ll help to find you the best price. We work with over 70 of the leading insurance companies in Canada, meaning there’s plenty of options for us to search from to find you a great solution.  

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