Good to know: Requested policy changes aren’t in effect until they’ve been confirmed by one of our licenced experts. If you have any questions or need help right away, give us a call at 1-800-731-2228.
Need to make more changes?
Head back to the Self-serve centre to start another change request.
Mortgage insurance protects your family if something should happen to you and you are unable to make your mortgage payments.…
Generally, if you’re hosting a small holiday party at home, you don’t need extra insurance. The liability coverage under…
All insurance companies in Ontario offer a discount of up to 5% on your auto insurance if you use winter tires from November…
Snowmobiles are a popular way to get out and enjoy all Canadian winters have to offer. There are more than 150,000 sleds registered…
If you’re in the market for a sports car, you may think you’re going to pay an arm and a leg for insurance. But that’s not necessarily…
A deductible is the part of a claim that you, as the policyholder, agree to take responsibility for. If you make a claim for…
With insurance companies offering guaranteed replacement cost coverage for most homes, and given that the overwhelming…
He may be a renowned chef and food entrepreneur, but Matt Basile actually started his career in a cubicle, not a kitchen.…
The temperatures are getting cooler, the leaves are beginning to change colour, Halloween decorations are popping up…
We’re excited to share that Mitch has been recognized as one of Canada’s Top Growing Companies for 2022 by The Globe and Mail’s…