Good to know: Requested policy changes aren’t in effect until they’ve been confirmed by one of our licenced experts. If you have any questions or need help right away, give us a call at 1-800-731-2228.
Need to make more changes?
Head back to the Self-serve centre to start another change request.
Planning to host a holiday party this year? A big responsibility, sure, but one that comes with so many pay-offs. Just make…
The sticker price for a new vehicle is only one part of the car ownership story. There are other things to consider like fuel,…
Équité Association, a national, independent organization aimed at reducing and preventing insurance fraud and crime,…
If your household has multiple vehicles but they’re all insured separately through different providers, you could be…
Canada saw a 406% increase in claims in 2024 due to severe major weather events and natural disasters in just 4 weeks. During…
If you were to get into an accident, say a fender bender, and your car sustained damages for which you wanted to be reimbursed,…
A driver’s age is one of the biggest rating criteria that insurance companies look at. Younger drivers typically pay more,…
Do you have a second property or home you’re thinking of leveraging to make some extra money? Vacation rental services,…
Around 20% of households in Canada have a dog, with roughly 7.9 million pet dogs residing in the country. That’s a lot of Fidos. …
In 2020, at the height of the pandemic, life insurance payouts related to COVID-19 topped out at $154 million. Over 50,000…