two tornados touching down on a field

September 26, 2018

Are Tornadoes Covered by Homeowners Insurance?

0 min read


Yes, while home and business insurance policies do differ according to each insurer, damage from tornadoes and hurricanes is generally covered, as it is included with coverage against wind damage.

In addition to property damage, your living expenses will also be covered if you have to move out of your home for a period of time.

What To Do if Your Property Has Been Hit by a Tornado

Once you and your family are safe, call your insurance provider to describe how you’ve been affected, and to start the claims process. Be sure to:

  • Take photos to document the damage
  • Do inventory of damages outlining all property and items lost, and their value, as your claims adjuster will need this list
  • Keep receipts for any expenses related to cleanup and recovery—from tarps and plywood to hotel stays and meals
  • Review your insurance policy to ensure that you have all the coverage you need for continued protection

If your home was hit by a Tornado in Ontario and you don’t have adequate insurance, as is the case with renters with contents coverage only, you will likely be eligible for assistance from Public Safety Canada’s Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements (DFAA) program.

Severe weather events such as windstorms and floods are increasingly common in Ontario, so be sure to speak with your insurance broker to ensure that there aren’t any gaps in your home insurance or business insurance which could leave you without the proper protection down the road.

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