yellow backpack with five stickers on stair rail

August 5, 2019

Backpacks for kids challenge 2019

1 min read


What Do kids’ backpacks have to do with insurance?

At Mitch, we care about people. Yes, we know that EVERYBODY says they care about people, and yes, we know that it’s a big cliché, but the fact is that our focus on people is the single biggest reason for our success, and we choose to make it central to everything we do.

That’s why when we were looking for a new bigger space for our rapidly growing team, we didn’t go somewhere more central (Toronto), or somewhere cheaper (further from Toronto). We wanted to create great jobs for people in our own community, close to home. It’s also why we created the coolest place to work in all of Durham Region (because it’s important for people to like where they work).

It’s also why we try our best to be honest and transparent about how insurance works, why rates go up, and why it’s hard to find coverage sometimes (because people don’t like to be lied to), and why we stopped offering online auto insurance quotes (because people get upset when they get quoted one price, then charged another).

So when another great company in our industry (Winmar Restoration) issued a challenge to help them and the Salvation Army provide school supplies for kids whose parents can’t afford to, we were all over it. Actually, it wasn’t even Mitch as a company that was all over it. It was, wait for it…our people. In 2017, someone on our social committee saw the challenge and said yeah, that’s a good way to help people. We’re in! Mitch offered to match donations from our team, and together, we collected enough money to build 12 backpacks in 2017, and 20 in 2018.

When Winmar issued the challenge again in 2019, our people once again jumped all over it, and less than two weeks after issuing the challenge internally, with Mitch once again matching donations, we have enough to put together 30 backpacks. Of course, it helps that we’re growing so fast, and now have 20 more teammates than we did a year ago. People helping people. More people, more help.

M&W backpack donation wall
The Mitch backpack window: We issued our challenge internally a few weeks ago, and already, with Mitch matching employee donations, we have enough to build 30 backpacks!

So what do backpacks have to do with insurance? Nothing, actually. But we do love helping people. If you’d like to help too, contact Winmar.

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