Good to know: Requested policy changes aren’t in effect until they’ve been confirmed by one of our licenced experts. If you have any questions or need help right away, give us a call at 1-800-731-2228.
Need to make more changes?
Head back to the Self-serve centre to start another change request.
Every industry has its usual suspects of associated myths, and the insurance industry is no different—especially when…
GDPR is here and it has every big company shaking in its boots. Why? GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation,…
Last updated: October 8, 2023, 4:50PM EST The impacts of climate change are intensifying storms and severe weather patterns…
Exciting things are happening at Mitch. We’ve just opened our doors to the new 25,000 sq feet super-modern and super-fun…
With Ontario’s provincial election coming up soon, the news media has been full of comments made by various politicians…
An ice dam is a build-up of ice or snow along the edge of a roof or eaves. Water from rain or melting snow then pools behind this…
One third of the world produces right-hand drive vehicles. RHD vehicles from the U.K., Australia, Hong Kong and Japan are…
Natural disasters in Ontario have been increasing in severity and frequency over the last couple years. Some of these recent…
Have you ever used AirBNB instead of staying at a hotel? The website offers a viable alternative to the traditional hotel/motel…
The OPP just wrapped up their annual distracted driving campaign during the March break to remind Ontarians they have a…