Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

When is it “too late” to buy travel insurance?

July 15, 2024

Purchasing travel insurance before a trip is usually recommended, whether you’re travelling internationally or going…

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Travel insurance: Why you should include it in your next trip

March 28, 2023

Your next trip is just around the corner and you’re itching to hit the beach, the golf course, or finally explore the ancient…

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Snowbirds next flight needs to bridge OHIP coverage gap

June 25, 2020

Lost in all of the daily news about the coronavirus is a policy tweak to Ontario’s public health insurance plan that applies…

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Effect of the COVID-19 crisis on travel insurance

March 29, 2020

Planning travel during the COVID-19 crisis? Travel insurance implications Given the current environment around COVID-19,…

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Trip cancellation insurance

March 7, 2016

For many of us, our holiday is a highly planned and greatly anticipated event, so a cancelled or interrupted vacation can…

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Insurance tips for snowbirds and vacationers

December 2, 2015

While most of us buy supplementary medical insurance when we travel, as recommended by our own government, we should also…

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Pack Travel Insurance for a Great Trip

October 28, 2015

When getting ready for a holiday, all manner of packing mishaps can occur from forgetting your medication to inexplicably…

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Travel insurance could save you thousands!

May 6, 2015

What is travel insurance? Like its name suggests, travel insurance exists to protect you from common problems that can…

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What does travel insurance cover?

July 3, 2014

Travel insurance is a necessary part of modern vacationing. As Canadians we often take for granted the level of medical…

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