Car on the road in Ontario during the Spring.

March 18, 2025

Best car insurance companies in Ontario for 2025 

8 min read


Shopping for car insurance in Ontario offers a wealth of options from many different providers. But how do you know which insurance company is the best?

Here’s the total breakdown of the best auto insurance companies in Ontario for 2025, including the different markets of insurers that exist, how they compare by price, coverage, and more.

2025 car insurance company logos.

Table of contents

  1. What makes a good auto insurance company?
    1. At a glance: Our Ontario auto insurance partners
  2. Who is the best car insurance company in Ontario by driver age?
  3. Best insurers by demographic
    1. Female drivers
    2. Male drivers
    3. Young drivers
    4. Older drivers
  4. Factors to consider when choosing an insurance company
    1. Cheap vs. affordable auto insurance
    2. The size of an insurance company
    3. Online auto insurance reviews
  5. Insurers for all types of drivers
    1. Standard market auto insurance companies
    2. Specialty auto insurance companies
    3. High-risk auto insurance companies
    4. Rideshare auto insurance companies
    5. Commercial auto insurance companies

1. What makes a good auto insurance company?

How do you judge the quality of an auto insurer?

Here are three ways you can rate an insurance company:

  1. Their ability to offer affordable rates for your driver profile
  1. How well they meet your coverage needs
  1. The quality of their customer and claims service

1.1. At a glance: Ontario auto insurance companies

While there’s no true and tried way to tell which Ontario auto insurance company is “best”, we’ve compared our auto insurance partners on several key elements, including Google reviews, product offerings, size, and more.

Table 1. Ontario auto insurance companies compared
Insurance company Types of auto insurance sold How to buy1 Size (by premiums) Google rating2
Allstate Insurance Company of Canada Personal, collector, motorcycle, snowmobile, ATV, UTV, motor home, trailer Agent, Direct Large 4.1 / 5
Aviva Canada Personal, motorcycle, collector, commercial, ridesharing, snowmobile, ATV, motor home, trailer Broker Large 4.2 / 5
Belairdirect Personal, Motorcycle, snowmobile, ATV, UTV Direct Large 4.2 / 5
CAA Insurance Personal, collector, usage-based Broker, direct Small 4.1 / 5
Chubb Insurance Co. of Canada Personal, collector Broker Medium 2.6 / 5
Coachman Insurance High-risk Broker Small 2.2 / 5
Commonwell Mutual Insurance Group Personal, Motorcycle, ATV Broker Small 3.0 / 5
The Co-operators Insurance Personal, commercial, motorcycle, snowmobile, ATV, motor home, trailer Direct Large 4.3 / 5
CUMIS Personal, motorcycle, snowmobile, ATV, motor home, trailer Broker Small 2.6 / 5
Desjardins Insurance Personal, commercial, motorcycle, snowmobile, ATV, trailer Agent, Direct Large 4.8 / 5
Dufferin Mutual Insurance Co. Personal, snowmobile, ATV Broker Small 3.9 / 5
Echelon Insurance Personal, commercial, collector, motorcycle, snowmobile, ATV, motor home, mobile home, trailer Broker Small 2.1 / 5
Economical Insurance Personal, motorcycle, commercial, snowmobile, ATV, motor home, camper Broker Large 2.0 / 5
Gore Mutual Insurance Company Personal, commercial, collector, usage-based, snowmobile, ATV, motor home Broker Large 2.4 / 5
Grenville Mutual Insurance Co. Personal, commercial Broker Small 3.7 / 5
HD Mutual Insurance Co. Personal Broker Small 3.1 / 5
Heartland Farm Mutual Inc Personal, commercial Broker Small 2.5 / 5
HTM Insurance Co. Personal Broker Small 3.7 / 5
Intact Insurance Personal, usage-based, collector, motorcycle, commercial, ridesharing, snowmobile, ATV, motor home Broker Large 3.2 / 5
Jevco Insurance High-risk Broker Large 2.5 / 5
Northbridge Insurance Personal, motorcycle, commercial, snowmobile, ATV, motor home Broker Medium 3.6 / 5
Optimum General Insurance Personal, commercial, motorcycle, snowmobile, ATV, motor home, trailer, camper Broker Small 2.7 / 5
Pafco Insurance High-risk Broker Small 1.7 / 5
Peel Mutual Insurance Co. Personal, snowmobile, ATV Broker Small 2.4 / 5
Pembridge Insurance Co. Personal, collector, artisan vehicle, motorcycle, snowmobile, ATV, motor home, trailer Broker Small 1.7 / 5
The Personal Personal, usage-based, motorcycle, snowmobile, ATV, motor home, trailer Broker Small 3.0 / 5
Portage Mutual Insurance Personal, motorcycle, snowmobile, ATV, motor home Broker Small 3.3 / 5
RBC Insurance Personal, collector, usage-based, motorcycle, snowmobile, ATV, motor home, trailer Direct Small 4.1 / 5
SGI Canada Personal, commercial, collector, motorcycle, snowmobile, ATV, motor home, trailer Broker Small 3.0 / 5
Sonnet Insurance Personal, usage-based Direct Medium
TD General Insurance Personal, commercial, motorcycle, snowmobile, ATV, motor home Direct Large 2.3 / 5
Travelers Canada Personal, commercial, motorcycle, snowmobile, ATV, motor home Broker Medium 2.2 / 5
Trillium Mutual Insurance Co. Personal, commercial Broker Small 3.4 / 5
Unica Insurance Personal, commercial, collector, snowmobile, ATV, motor home, trailer Broker Small 4.2 / 5
Wawanesa Insurance Personal, commercial, motorcycle, snowmobile, ATV, motor home, trailer Broker Medium 2.0 / 5
Zenith Commercial Broker Small 1.0 / 5
Zurich Business Broker Small 3.4 / 5
1Agent = Sells through a network of agents that only sell their products; Broker = Sells through independent brokers, who also offer quotes from other insurance companies; Direct = Sells direct to the public, usually online or by phone; 2Average Google rating for all locations present in Google Places as of February 14, 2025 for the company (number of reviews in parentheses);

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2. Who is the best car insurance company in Ontario by driver age?

We analyzed over 4,000 recent new auto insurance policies to see which companies our clients are choosing after reviewing their needs with one of our insurance brokers. CAA was the top choice, with 18% of drivers selecting them.

As we break things down by demographics, we see that the best insurer varies for drivers based on their unique circumstances. For drivers under the age of 40, Aviva was the most popular insurance company, with 13% of drivers choosing them.

Insurance companies have different risk appetites, and finding the carrier that is right for you requires careful consideration. Working with an insurance broker can make choosing the right provider easier, as they can review your situation and match you with the company that provides the coverage you need at the best possible price.

Table 2. The most popular insurance companies in Ontario by driver age 1
Age of Listed Drivers 16–19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60–64 65–69 70+
Most Popular Insurance Company Aviva Echelon Aviva Economical Economical Economical CAA CAA CAA CAA CAA CAA
1Data from Mitch Insurance Brokers

The average premium for car insurance is often greatly impacted by the age of the drivers listed on the policy. Younger drivers often pay more than double what senior drivers pay. This makes shopping for insurance even more important for young drivers to ensure they are getting the best rate for the coverage they need.

Table 3. Average car insurance premium in Ontario by driver age 1
Age Range of Listed Drivers Average premium
16–19 $4,798
20–24 $4,592
25–29 $3,779
30–34 $3,361
35–39 $3,214
40–44 $3,153
45–49 $3,210
50–54 $3,129
55–59 $2,785
60–64 $2,398
65–69 $2,165
70+ $1,942
1Data from Mitch Insurance Brokers

3. Best insurers by demographic

Every insurance company has a different target market, and a carrier can be “best” for you depending on several factors including who you are.

We analyzed what companies carriers our clients chose after speaking with a broker about their insurance needs and found the following:

3.1. Female drivers

  • CAA was the most frequently chosen insurance company for female drivers, with 21% selecting them. Economical was the runner-up with 14% choosing them.

3.2. Male drivers

  • CAA was the most chosen insurer for male drivers, with 16% picking them. Economical and Aviva were tied for second place, with 13% of drivers selecting them.

3.3. Young drivers

  • For drivers under the age of 25, Aviva was the most chosen standard car insurance company, with 18% selecting them. High-risk drivers under the age of 25 chose Echelon 48% of the time.

3.4. Older drivers

  • CAA was the most chosen company for drivers aged 65 and older, with 35% going with this option. CAA’s MyPace product could be a good option for low- mileage drivers who may be retired or for snowbirds who only use their vehicles for part of the year.

4. Factors to consider when choosing an insurance company

4.1. Cheap vs affordable auto insurance

When it comes to insurance, “cheap” and “affordable” have very different meanings. You’ll want coverage that balances price with great protection, meaning the right policy for you won’t always be the one with the lowest- cost. A good broker will help you find the best fit in terms of coverage, protection needs, ratings, service, and more.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when evaluating an insurance company:

4.2. The size of an insurance company

The size of an insurance company can be a good indicator of two things: first, its pools of funds to continue paying out claims, and second, its ability to focus on building relationships with its customers.

There are benefits to both small and large insurers. Here’s a comparison:

Table 4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Large vs. Small Insurance Companies
PRO: Small PRO: Large CON: Small CON: Large
Closer relationships with customers Financial stability Fewer coverage options compared to larger insurers Less personalized service due to their size
Community focus and prioritization of local needs  May offer more robust online tools for support Claims service could be outsourced if you live outside a company’s core geography Could face complex bureaucracy in resolving claims or issues

4.3. Online auto insurance reviews

Online reviews and ratings can be a great way to gauge what kind of service you might expect from an insurance company. However, take these with a grain of salt, because:

  • People are more likely to leave a review after a negative experience than a positive one
  • Insurance is complex, and reviews may sometimes be based on limited knowledge
  • Larger companies have a bigger customer base, which can result in more negative reviews

One important factor to consider when reading reviews is how easy it is to contact an insurance company in the event of a claim and whether they dispute coverage. If you notice a consistent pattern of complaints about this in reviews, it could indicate issues with the company’s reputation.

5. Insurers for all types of drivers

Many auto insurance companies have their own business specialty. Below, we’ve outlined different types of auto insurance to show what coverage is typically offered by providers in Ontario.

5.1. Standard market auto insurance companies

Standard market auto insurance companies provide coverage for policyholders with typical driving records and common vehicles. These vehicles are usually used only for pleasure or commuting, are not right-hand-drive, have no modifications, and the individuals driving them haven’t had more than three at-fault accidents or tickets on their record (or a combination of). This category makes up the bulk of auto insurers. Standard market carriers include providers that we work with such as Aviva, CAA, Commonwell Mutual, Travelers, Intact, Pembridge, SGI, Wawanesa, and Zenith. These companies also offer property insurance, and you can often save money by bundling your home and auto insurance policies together.

5.2. Specialty auto insurance companies

Someone may not have a poor driving record, but might own a highly collectible vehicle. With a collectable vehicle, you may be looking for insurance that allows for limited driving, and covers the vehicle at a specific appraised value. One of the most popular specialty insurance companies is Hagerty, which specializes in collectible cars.

5.3. High-risk auto insurance companies

High-risk auto insurance is for people who don’t qualify for standard market coverage due to their driving history or vehicle. Insurers that specialize in this include companies such as Coachman, Echelon, Jevco, Pafco, and Facility Association.

High-risk auto carriers usually only offer car insurance so you may not be able to bundle your home policy with them. However, your broker can place your home insurance with another provider, allowing you to keep both your home and auto policies with the same brokerage.

Most drivers remain with a high-risk car insurance company for one to three years and can return to the standard market once their driving record improves. Working with a broker who has access to both high-risk (or non-standard) and standard market companies will make your transition easier. Since they already know you, they can easily re-market you as your record improves.

Some common reasons a driver may be classified as a high-risk driver include:

  • Multiple at-fault claims in the last three to six years
  • A serious conviction in the last three to six years, such as a DUI
  • Three or more convictions in the last three to six years, such as speeding or following too closely
  • Driving without insurance or having a license suspension in the last three to six years

5.4. Ridesharing auto insurance companies

Uber and Lyft have skyrocketed in popularity in recent years, and an increasing number of people are driving for these ridesharing services. Whether you transport people or food, doing so for a business changes the usage of a vehicle and often standard market insurers won’t cover that type of risk.

Rideshare vehicle insurance companies exist to offer specialized coverage for these drivers. Many personal auto insurance policies specifically exclude ridesharing. However, some carriers such as Aviva, Economical and Intact allow ridesharing when using your vehicle with an approved ridesharing network.

It is important to talk to your broker if you plan to use your vehicle for ridesharing so that they can find the right company to provide the coverage you need.

5.5. Commercial auto insurance companies

If you use your vehicle for business purposes, such as hauling tools and equipment or transporting passengers, it no longer qualifies for standard market auto insurance.

Commercial auto insurance can be more or less expensive than standard auto insurance, depending on various factors. The biggest factor for heavy vehicles (anything over 4,500 kg) is prior experience. Most commercial auto insurers require three years of experience. You may be asked to provide letters of experience from previous insurance companies to verify your history.

Some commercial auto insurance carriers also cover farm vehicles. Great options for commercial auto insurance that we work with include Aviva, Economical, Commonwell Mutual, Wawanesa, Travelers, Intact, SGI, and Facility. Many of these companies also offer additional types of commercial insurance such as commercial general liability, allowing you to keep all your commercial coverage with the same provider.

Mitch is here to get you insured

At Mitch, we’re always ready to help find the best auto insurance company for you. We’ll make sure you get a great price, excellent service, and the coverage you need. Give us a call.

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